Big Horn Basin Fox Trotter Association Club Meeting
January 27, 2010
The annual business meeting and election of officers of the Big Horn Basin Foxtrotter Club was held January 27, 2010 at the home of Craig and Julie Dansie. Refreshments were served by Julie and Craig Dansie.
Minutes were approved.
Richard Heny gave our treasurer’s report with a balance to date of $7,047.34. The opening balance for 2009 was $6,333.43, club expenses were $88.00 and after show expenses and receipts our current balance is $7,047.34.
Election of officer was held with a motion being made by Richard Heny that the current officers be elected. Motion was approved by all present. The 2010 BHBFTA officers are as follows:
Craig Dansie - President; Jane Zubia - Vice- President; Florance Calkin - Secretary and Richard Heny - Treasurer.
Craig reported the 2010 Show will be held in Thermopolis on August 12-14 and Elmer Scott will be the Judge. He handed out to those present with a list of the proposed classes and said Robin Gabel would be calling shortly to give us the latest up date. She and Jane were together working on the Show.
More trail riding was discussed. At this time no one knew the dates of the annual Fall Gather Ride for 2010.
After our phone conversation with Robin and her filling us in on the latest show details, and with no further business to address our meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Florance Ann Calkin, Secty.